I understand that hypo-writing is a classic symptom of severe phsycosis.
Now where is the little head that rolls his eyes???.
because... the leaves of such tree... were for curing.
curing what?
had adam reached the tree and ate... he would have been cured of his sins and once again become sinless.
I understand that hypo-writing is a classic symptom of severe phsycosis.
Now where is the little head that rolls his eyes???.
first of all i would like to thank simon and angharad for this wonderful board.
it has been a lifesaver!
thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your hard work and time spent on this board.
Hello Hapgood and welcome to JWD. This is truly a place of eduacation, information, healing, and sometimes, downright entertaining
Hope to hear more from you, and again, welcome!
my wife went to the convention yesterday and brought back the new book for children 'learn from the great teacher'.. it's certainly much better than the old pink book, larger and more colourful, even if the pictures have a 1950's feel to them.
the introduction mentions that there are questions throughout the book that you should ask children to find out what is on their mind... saying ' true, the child may come out with with answers that are not correct.
but the printed material that follows each question is designed to help the child to develop wholesome patterns of thinking'.... 'wholesome patterns of thinking' eh?
Rocketman, when I was young, the dubs taught they would ''fight for jehovah''. And there was no doubt they meant militant fighting... Makes you wonder. I have no doubts that if they ever got a directive from 'mother', that they would act.
JW's are anti-government, anti corporate, terrorist in the making in my opinion. Didn't some kook get arrested a while back for making terrorist threats? (He was a JW) And felt it was his duty for jehober, and his time had come. I will try to find it.
Anyway, interesting thoughts, and I agree with you.
this is in reference to the comments that kgb made on the thread i started yesterday about the molester who was crushed underneath a car.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/54218/1.ashx.
he talked of forgiveness of murderers, molesters, rapists, etc.
i know that many churchgoes feel the same way about this.. my question is, if god can forgive murderers, rapists, etc., then what about those who don't believe in god, who don't have 'faith'?
Good post Ash.
Personally, as a Christian, I believe Jesus came to say that God loves us all, and is available to us all in equal terms, and that he strongly condemned those who taught otherwise. (God is no respecter of persons). This was not what the holier than thou types wanted to hear. It made them insignificant in their heirarchy they had worked so hard to set up.
It is certainly not my place to say whom the Lord will forgive. But I do know, Christ loved children and the most vulnurable ones amoung us. I do know he said something to this effect. Anyone who harms the little ones, would wish they had had a millstone tied to them and that they were thrown into the sea. In other words, don't make me open a can of whipass. Do not harm my children.
That, in my opinion amounts to "Better a car falls on you, for hurting kids, and I will deal with you even more harshly"
Anyway, I think the forgiveness issue gets taken out of context. I don't see anywhere in the bible that says to forgive all sin outright. There have always been rules of decency, and laws based on morality. I don't think we as Christians have to forgive child molesters, Let God be their judge, after they recieve their just punishment here and now.
((((((((((((((((((Walter and Mother)))))))))))))))))))))
my wife went to the convention yesterday and brought back the new book for children 'learn from the great teacher'.. it's certainly much better than the old pink book, larger and more colourful, even if the pictures have a 1950's feel to them.
the introduction mentions that there are questions throughout the book that you should ask children to find out what is on their mind... saying ' true, the child may come out with with answers that are not correct.
but the printed material that follows each question is designed to help the child to develop wholesome patterns of thinking'.... 'wholesome patterns of thinking' eh?
After seeing these pictures I only have one thing to say....THANKYOU, THANKYOU THANKYOU DMOUSE!!!!!!!!!
I have been ''educating''my husband on the watchtower tactics, and have been searching for these awful pictures on the net, and couldn't find them all. These were the ones I wanted to show him. He is disgusted, a picture is worth a thousand words.
I believe these pictures are phsycological abuse. I know for a fact they lead parents to physically hurt their kids, I mean, if JW parents really believe that their kids will be victims of their vengful god at armmegadon, they will have no higher duty, than to beat them into submission in order to make them '' think correctly''
Again, thanks for posting this for the world to see. They don't show you this stuff at the door, this is one of the goodies they save as ''food at the proper time''.
i have recently been reading from the watchman.com site.
while this forum questions some w.t.
teachings, it nevertheless defends it vigorously.
Sheese...Like sheep to a slaughter. There would really be many who would stay with those kooks, out of blind loyalty. Nothing shocks them anymore.
Alright, who has been peeking in my window???
i live in the northern territry of auatralia and am having no end of trouble with my wife who has managed to infect out children with the watch tower bull shit.. is there any one else in the nt who is having the same sort of trouble?.
Hi E
I don't have that problem myself, I just wanted to welcome you to the board. There are several folks here that can relate to your situation, and I am sure they will offer you some advice and/or comfort.
Thanks for your interest, Min.
Personally, I held the official position of Chief Troublemaker, Main Bad Influence, and Demon Possessed, Ciggarette Smoking Rebel-Rouser.
Much to the discust of the congregation, I still hold those titles!!!!